Emotional final farewell to Hartlepool mum-of-two as family and friends turn out in their droves

Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.
Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.
Family and friends turned out in their droves to pay an emotional final farewell to a much-loved Hartlepool mum.

Kelly Duncan tragically died at the age of just 36 after suffering an epileptic fit at home on Friday, July 15.

The mum-of-two had lived with epilepsy since being diagnosed at the age of 16 and had coped well with it, but the fit proved fatal.

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Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.
Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.

Her funeral was held at Hartlepool Crematorium, and the venue was full with loved ones and well-wishers.

Funeral celebrant Helen Greenwell paid tribute to a “unique” woman with “special qualities” as she opened the service.

She told of how Kelly began her education at Lynnfield Primary School before moving on to Dyke House Sports and Technology College.

Kelly met Paul Field, her beloved partner of 17 years, in 1999 at Hartlepool’s Fifth Avenue nightclub, and they were almost inseparable after getting together.

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Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.
Funeral of Kelly Duncan at Hartlepool Crematorium.

However, she feared she would never be able to have children because of complications with her epilepsy.

Helen added: “Kelly and Paul were soul-mates. They were very much in love.

“Paul came home with a cute puppy called Bruno one day, and Kelly said, ‘he is the other man in my life’.

“Then their son Alex was born in 2007, and daughter Masie completed Paul and Kelly’s little family when she was born in 2011.”

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Kelly Duncan with her son Alex Field.Kelly Duncan with her son Alex Field.
Kelly Duncan with her son Alex Field.

Alex calmly called 999 and also rang dad Paul to tell him what had happened when Kelly suffered her seizure. Medics battled in vain for 45 minutes to try to save her life.

Helen went on to talk about Kelly’s favourite things, which included dancing. She was “always first on the dancefloor, beckoning others to join her”.

Kelly also enjoyed the film Dirty Dancing, and the song ‘She’s Like the Wind’ was played during the service.

She had been looking forward to seeing one of her favourite bands, Alexanders Palace, play in Hartlepool before her untimely death.

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Paul Field with children Alex Field and Maisie Field.Paul Field with children Alex Field and Maisie Field.
Paul Field with children Alex Field and Maisie Field.

The service finished after the poem ‘A Letter From Heaven’ was read out.

Meanwhile, collections were held for Hartlepool Epilepsy Outlook, which had helped Kelly during her life.

For information and support for epilepsy, visit www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/SUDEP or call 01494 601400.

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