FEELING GREAT: Hairdresser uses lockdown to ease back pain

Suzanne says her back problems have eased after treatment.Suzanne says her back problems have eased after treatment.
Suzanne says her back problems have eased after treatment.
A few weeks ago we met Suzanne in our clinic who is a mobile hairdresser from Hartlepool and normally juggles a busy work life, with being a busy mum and looking after her family of two young boys.

When the news of a second lockdown became real, Suzanne decided to try and make the best out of a negative situation and focus on one big positive that this lockdown has provided her with… MORE FREE TIME THAN SHE’S EVER HAD BEFORE!

More free time meant Suzanne had no excuses to not do something about the pain in her back and hips, that she struggles with every day. Suzanne decided that whilst she unfortunately couldn’t work, and her kids were at school all day, that now was the time to pluck up the courage and get some specialist advice from someone that could help her.

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“I’ve recently started a plan of care with Paul Gough Physio Rooms, after complaining and putting off seeing a physiotherapist for years.

“I was always telling myself ‘I’ll do it when I’ve got more time’… ‘I’ll do it when work gets a little quieter’… ‘I’ll do it when the kids go back to school’, and it just never happened.

“When a second lockdown hit, I was in a position of not being able to work, but I was determined to make sure something positive came of it, and I made the decision to finally put my health first. There really wasn’t a better time for me to do something about the pain I was struggling with.

“I’m always on the go, working all hours on my feet during the day, and then I’m a busy mum outside of work looking after my family. Over the years this has had a big impact on my back and hips.

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“The pain I was experiencing was starting to affect my job, and it was stopping me from exercising and keeping fit. Being able to stay active and to feel comfortable playing with my kids is so important to me, as well as being able to continue working and doing what I love.

“I feel like I’ve had a huge weight lifted since coming in and getting clarification on my diagnosis. All the team at Paul Gough Physio Rooms make you feel so comfortable, and they do everything they can to help you. I definitely wish I had come to see them sooner, but I‘m really excited to start 2021 feeling in a much healthier, fitter and happier place.”

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