Hartlepool Mail readers back call for additional bank holiday between August and Christmas

You have been sharing your views on whether or not there should be another bank holiday.You have been sharing your views on whether or not there should be another bank holiday.
You have been sharing your views on whether or not there should be another bank holiday.
As the country winds down from a scorching bank holiday weekend, the majority of Mail readers have shown their support for another public holiday before Christmas.

In a Facebook poll, 74% of more than 250 people who took part confirmed their backing for another bank holiday, as suggested by the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Workers in England and Wales get just eight bank holidays a year, the union said – fewer than any other EU country and lagging far behind the EU average of 12 days.

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The TUC believes that all UK workers should get 12 days of public holiday and supports a national conversation about which dates would be most appropriate.

Frances O’Grady, TUC General Secretary, said: “Working people deserve a break. And as the days start to get shorter we could all do with something to look forward to.

“The government should create a new public holiday between now and Christmas.”

Suggestions include near October half term, Halloween, Bonfire Night or Remembrance Day.

Here are some of your comments from social media:

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Darren Edwards: “The Monday following remembrance Sunday to honour the fallen.”

Chris Hall: “ Bank holidays are pretty pointless regardless of time of year. In today's 24/7 world they are more of a pain than a pleasure unless you work in an office.”

Graeme Collinson: “There should be more than just one extra bank holiday. Scotland get New Year’s Day off and the second of January. Us in England don’t get enough holidays in my opinion.”

Chris Mini Haswell: “Near Halloween would be nice or Bonfire Night.”