Charity hands out 300 food parcels a month in Hartlepool

An emergency food parcelAn emergency food parcel
An emergency food parcel
Over 300 emergency food parcels were handed out in Hartlepool every month during the first six months of the pandemic, new figures reveal.

The Trussell Trust said a record 1.2 million parcels were given to people struggling to afford essentials nationally between April and September.

In Hartlepool, the charity handed out 1,821 emergency food parcels over the period.

Of these, 493 (27%) were for children.

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Overall, the charity dished out 13% more parcels in the area than it did during the same six-month period last year – an additional 210.

The Trussell Trust said the figures do not include the number of people helped by community organisations, independent food banks and local authorities.

Emma Revie, the charity's chief executive, said volunteers have been working hard to support people in need, but added it is "not right that any of us are forced to use a charity for food, at any time of year".

She added: "In the last few weeks we’ve seen incredible compassion and concern for people facing hunger following Marcus Rashford’s brilliant campaigning, and it's hugely welcome to see the Government build on steps already taken by providing significant new funding for councils in England.

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“This vital local support must work in co-ordination with a national welfare system that is strong enough to act as a lifeline to anyone struggling to afford the essentials."

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “We are committed to making sure that the most vulnerable in our society are protected and we’ve put in place a strong package of support to ensure children and their families do not go hungry during this pandemic.”