FEELING GREAT: The importance of a varied exercise plan and routine

“If you cycle a lot, shoulder and lower back problems will occur."“If you cycle a lot, shoulder and lower back problems will occur."
“If you cycle a lot, shoulder and lower back problems will occur."
How about thinking about the importance of varying your activity and exercise routines? As I write this, I’ve been struggling with a foot injury (I think I need to find a good physio!).

I’d like to tell you a bit more about it and show how you can stop something similar happening to you.

I love to keep active. For me, sitting in the house isn’t really an option and my home is more like a hotel because all I ever use it for is to sleep in at night. And, because I’m happy to say that I’m addicted (no exaggeration) to the feeling that I get from exercising daily, sometimes I do too much and my body hurts as a result.

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Because of wanting to spend more playtime after work with my little boys, I became what I call a lazy runner. I had succumb to the temptation to quickly and easily go for a run most nights after work so that I could get back and spend more time playing with them.

I paid the price! I got, in my right foot, the beginnings of what could have led to a stress fracture, no doubt caused by my pounding the streets of Hartlepool a few too many times in succession.

When I noticed it, and only when I grew concerned, I stopped the running and got back on my bike a lot more, and even found time to get back to swimming.

Because riding my bike takes about 90 minutes to get the same feeling as a 30-minute jog, I had to re-engineer my day so I could see the kids before bed time.

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And guess what? Because I spent so much time in the sitting position and riding my bike nearly every night, I developed tension and discomfort in both shoulders. It felt like my posture was awkward too, with my shoulders rounded, and I was definitely suffering a lot of stiffness in my lower back.

So the moral of the story is this: If you run a lot, expect problems to surface somewhere, like your foot or your shins. If you cycle a lot, shoulder and lower back problems will occur.

And it’s not just these two types of activities that come with some health risks either.

Take golf for example - I see golfers in my clinic regularly and they nearly always come in with an Achilles tendon problem, or a lower back issue.

The importance of a varied exercise plan and routine is vital.

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