Appeal for witnesses after Hartlepool residents threatened with a blade

Police investigating an aggravated burglary in Malcolm Road.Police investigating an aggravated burglary in Malcolm Road.
Police investigating an aggravated burglary in Malcolm Road.
Police are appealing for information following an aggravated burglary in the town.

Witnesses to the incident, which happened at a home in Malcolm Road, Hartlepool, to come forward.

The incident happened at around 9.15pm on Monday, June 5, when it is believed two men were dropped off by a taxi outside the house before forcing their way inside and threatening the occupants with a bladed weapon.

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The suspects were in the property between five and ten minutes, officers believe that the taxi had waited outside.

A 32-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of aggravated burglary and other related offences. He was subsequently released from custody whilst enquiries continue.

Any witnesses to the incident or anyone with information regarding the two men or the taxi is asked to contact Detective Inspector Chris Stoddart on the non-emergency number 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or

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