Call for more to be done over speeding in Hartlepool street

One of the 20mph signs in Clifton Avenue, Hartlepool. Picture by FRANK REIDOne of the 20mph signs in Clifton Avenue, Hartlepool. Picture by FRANK REID
One of the 20mph signs in Clifton Avenue, Hartlepool. Picture by FRANK REID
A resident says measures to prevent speeding in a Hartlepool road are not working.

John Blackham, who lives in Clifton Avenue, has called on police and council officials to do more to make sure drivers stick to a 20mph speed limit.

The street has 20mph road signs and also an electric speed activated sign.

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Mr Blackham says a number of vehicles are being driven at speeds of up to 45mph and has raised fears for the safety of pedestrians, particularly children.

Police say further measures are not felt to be needed as there has been just one recorded collision where someone was hurt in the last 20 years.

Earlier this month, Mr Blackham sent an email to several police officers reiterating his concerns but got no reply.

In the email he said: “To date, apart from a metering of the number of vehicles, not I add their speeds, using the street in 24 hours a reading was taken.”

Mr Blackham said the signage has little effect on drivers.

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He added: “Between 8.30am and 9.30am and 4.30pm and 6.30pm a lot of cars use Clifton Avenue as a short cut instead of going down Park Road.

“I have suggested the use of an ANPR camera with a policeman in a car or a van.

“With £60 fines they would make a fortune every day but nothing is being done.”

A Cleveland Police spokesperson said: “Cleveland Police has received correspondence regarding Clifton Avenue from Mr Blackham over a number of years.

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“Police and Hartlepool Borough Council have worked in partnership to install traffic management measures such as introducing a vehicle activated speed sign and on-street parking which reduces the road width and helps keep speeds low.

“As a result of this contact, the Council also carried out a vehicle data survey in August/September 2016 which indicated that the mean average speed of vehicles was 24mph.

“Police have attended and carried out patrols in the area.

“The Council have also re-assessed the road, and in view of there being only one recorded road traffic collision resulting in injury in 20 years on this road, feel that further traffic management is not justified at this time.”

Peter Frost, Hartlepool Borough Council’s highways leader, has since told Mr Blackham that Clifton Avenue is proposed to be included on a list of potential future safety schemes.