Caring Hartlepool boy wants to help sick children

Thomas Jobson.Thomas Jobson.
Thomas Jobson.
A proud Hartlepool mum has praised her son for thinking of others when he planned a haircut.

Rebecca Jobson was beaming after her son Thomas, seven, decided to support the Little Princess Trust.

Thomas has grown his hair for 18 months, and his mum said: “He has decided he now wants to cut it off to raise money so children who have lost their hair through cancer treatments can have wigs made so they don’t feel so sad.”

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Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.
Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.

Thomas’s big day arrives on Sunday, December 4, when he parts with his hair at TG’s in Church Street.

The Eldon Grove Academy student set a target of £300 for the charity, but that has already been smashed, with the total now at £329.

His younger brother Jacob, 6, was so impressed, he is growing his hair for charity too.

Rebecca added: “I hail from Leeds and many of my cousins still live there.

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Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.
Thomas Jobson who is about to have his hair cut off to raise money for the Little Princess Trust.

“One of them has a son who also has long hair and has always had long hair. My son decided about 18 months ago that he wanted to grow his hair like his cousin Woody.”

She added: “Personally I preferred him with short hair as I love to see his beautiful face, but my husband and I never wanted to detract from what he wanted.

“I think it started to form part of his identity. I have suggested a few times that he might want to get it cut but he has always refused.

“A couple of weeks ago we were chatting how his friends and teachers at school would probably not recognise him if he got his cut, and I think he was intrigued by that attention.

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“I mentioned how some children need wigs and he told me about a girl who had been into his primary school to talk to his class about her own headshave for charity.

“My husband and I both work for charities and are very passionate about the excellent work they do.

“This can’t be done in many of the cases without cash, so we were very proud of Thomas when he showed an interest in raising money for the Little Princess Trust.”