Drinkers are being urged to keep up the Dry January gains

Drinkers are being urged to cut back on the booze to benefit their health.Drinkers are being urged to cut back on the booze to benefit their health.
Drinkers are being urged to cut back on the booze to benefit their health.
Drinkers in Hartlepool are being urged by health chiefs to cut back on the booze as part of a new campaign.

It comes after a survey revealed six out of 10 people admitted to feeling tempted to pour a drink most nights.

Public Health England is encouraging people to take at least two or three days off drinking alcohol every week.

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They say no more than 14 units a week should be drunk to reduce the risks of an alcohol-related disease.

The campaign is being backed by alcohol awareness group Balance, which carried out the survey that also found 60% (5,566 respondents) said they find themselves tempted to pour a drink most nights and 44% admitted that a friend or family member has suggested they might be drinking too much.

The research also found that 48% said their behaviour changes after a drink and 71% admitted they find that one drink just isn’t enough.

Colin Shevills, director of Balance, said: “Clearly many people are conscious of the relationship they have with alcohol, from finding drinking is becoming a daily habit and their behaviour changing after a few drinks, to friends or loved ones voicing concern. Having a drink or two most evenings increases anyone’s risk of exceeding the weekly low risk guidelines and that increases the risk of some types of cancer and other health problems.

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“For anyone who has ever done Dry January and felt a lot better, having more alcohol free days is a good way to keep those good intentions going.”

The Chief Medical Officers’ guideline for both men and women is that people are safest not to drink regularly more than 14 units per week, to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level.

Fourteen units of alcohol is equivalent to six pints of average-strength beer or six medium glasses of wine.

However, just one pint of strong lager or a large glass of wine can contain more than three units of alcohol.

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For people drinking 14 units per week people are being encouraged to spread this evenly over three days or more.

Bev Oliver, Health and Wellbeing Programme Lead at Public Health England North East, said: “The more you drink, and the more often, the greater the risk to your health but there are easy ways to cut back.

“Taking at least two or three days off a week can help reduce the health risks, as well as helping you save money, lose weight and sleep better without cutting it out completely.” Balance is also re-launching its Can’t See It campaign highlighting that alcohol increases the risk of seven types of cancer.