Why candidates in Hartlepool Borough Council by-election say you should vote for them

Hartlepool Civic Centre.Hartlepool Civic Centre.
Hartlepool Civic Centre.
Candidates have had their say on why residents in Foggy Furze should vote for them to become a councillor in the ward in the upcoming Hartlepool Borough Council by-election.

The ballot is taking place after Stephen Picton, an independent councillor elected in 2021, confirmed he had made the “heartbreaking” decision to step away from the role due to suffering from fibromyalgia.

The condition causes severe pain all over the body, chronic fatigue, spasms and ‘brain fog’ short term memory problems, with Mr Picton noting symptoms mean “he can’t take on board the paperwork he has to read”.

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As voters in Foggy Furze get set to go to the polls on Thursday, September 8, all four candidates have been given the opportunity to tell you why you should vote for them to become the third borough councillor for the ward.

Barry McKinstray.Barry McKinstray.
Barry McKinstray.

Candidates are listed in the order they appeared on Hartlepool Borough Council’s list of candidates at the close of nominations.*

Barry McKinstray (Liberal Democrat)

“I live locally just off Oxford Road with my family and work in restoration of properties to preserve British history. I want the best for our community and our town.

“If elected, I want to be a different type of councillor – one who listens to local people all year round; who keeps in touch with regular newsletters, surveys and petitions; who gets things done for people; and who works hard all year round – not just at election time.

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Pamela Shurmer.Pamela Shurmer.
Pamela Shurmer.

“I want the council to listen to what local people in our area want and to prioritise improving the basics like fixing roads, cleaning streets, tackling anti-social behaviour and improving our green spaces.

“We need a fresh, new voice on Hartlepool Council – not just the same old parties fighting with each other. I believe it is time we had strong, opposition Lib Dem voices back on our council to demand better for our community and our town.”

Pamela Shurmer (Conservative Party)

“I have been a resident of Hartlepool for over 40 years, a people person who has the tenacity to get things done.

Connor Stallard.Connor Stallard.
Connor Stallard.

“All of us want to live in an area where we can get on with our lives and feel safe on our streets; the way to address concerns is to work with me, someone who cares passionately enough to seek solutions and has the skills to galvanise people to work together.

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“My involvement with the DS43 Community Defibrillator group has taught me what fabulous people Hartlepudlians are but, more importantly, that hard work pays off.

“I would be incredibly proud to represent and work hard for residents of Foggy Furze.”

Connor Stallard (Independent)

Carole Thompson.Carole Thompson.
Carole Thompson.

“Why should you vote for me? It’s because I care about the community I live in.

“It’s about standing up and being the voice of all of us, it’s about giving me a chance to show you that I can and will put things right and gain your trust.

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“What I won’t do is fill you all with empty promises. It’s time for change, it’s time for community spirit.

“It’s time for Councillor Stallard.”

Carole Thompson (Labour Party)

“I have lived in Hartlepool all of my life. Working in our hospital as an occupational therapist for over 20 years, I’ve dedicated my life to supporting the elderly and vulnerable in our town.

“My career has been about public service and that is why I am standing for election in the Foggy Furze by-election.

“We need to crack down on antisocial behaviour, tackle bad landlords and reduce empty properties, put offenders to work to clean up our community and ensure our streets are free from litter, graffiti, vandalism and dog fouling.

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“Most of all we need to see more support for families, young people, our elderly, and our vulnerable through the cost of living crisis.

“Foggy Furze needs full-time fighters working for the area, and alongside recently elected Councillor Melanie Morley and with the support of former councillor Ste Picton, I know we can form a winning team for the ward.”