Expanded plans approved for new tanning salon, hairdressers and nail bar at former Hartlepool pub site

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Plans have been approved to provide a new tanning salon, hairdressers and nail and eyebrow bar at a vacant shopping parade unit.

Proposals were submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council’s planning department earlier this year to carry out work at the former Saxon pub site in Easington Road.

The area is now home to a small collection of shops and businesses, with the application seeking permission to convert the vacant unit five, located on the first floor.

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Applicant Ingleby Barwick Land & Property Developments said the site would offer a hairdressers and beauty treatments, in the form of a nail and eyebrow bar, in addition to the tanning salon.

The former Saxon pub site, in Hartlepool, which has since been converted into a shopping parade.The former Saxon pub site, in Hartlepool, which has since been converted into a shopping parade.
The former Saxon pub site, in Hartlepool, which has since been converted into a shopping parade.

A report from council planners confirmed the proposals have been approved, ruling them “acceptable”.

The development will provide two full-time and two part-time jobs, with the planned opening hours 8am-10pm daily.

Plans had previously been approved to transform the site into a tanning salon until a new tenant came forward as part of the revised plans.