Hartlepool weather forecast, January 22: Cloudy but mild

Here is Hartlepool's weather forecast for Wednesday, January 22. Photograph by William O'ConnorHere is Hartlepool's weather forecast for Wednesday, January 22. Photograph by William O'Connor
Here is Hartlepool's weather forecast for Wednesday, January 22. Photograph by William O'Connor
Today, Wednesday, January 22, it will be dry, cloudy and with temperatures between 5C and 10C.

What will the weather be like in Hartlepool this morning?

Cloudy and overcast but dry, with a gentle south-westerly breeze and temperatures between 6C and 9C.

What about this afternoon?

Pretty much the same as the morning. The cloud cover will remain and temperatures will stay close to 10C.

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What will the weather be like this evening and tonight in Hartlepool?

Apart from a clear spell between about 10pm and 11pm, the cloud will still be present. There will be little breeze and temperatures will gradually drop to 7C. It still won’t rain.

What will the weather be like tomorrow?

Tomorrow will be similar to today, but slightly colder with a maximum of 7C. It will remain cloudy but dry.

What is the long-term forecast for the North East?

The Met Office outlook for Thursday to Saturday is: “Thursday mainly dry but on the cloudy side. A little rain is then possible Friday, ahead of a windier and more unsettled Saturday. Relatively mild throughout, with limited overnight frost.”