Hartlepool boxer Savannah Marshall up for the World Championships in Kazakhstan

Savannah MarshallSavannah Marshall
Savannah Marshall
Savannah Marshall will 'embrace' the World Championships.

That was the message from her coach Tim Coulter just days from the start of the tournament in Kazakhstan.

Marshall is drinking in the last-chance saloon - the World Championships is the final qualifying event for the 2016 Olympics.

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The 24-year-old bombed out of her first attempt, losing in the opening stage to unheralded French boxer Erika Guerrier in the European Qualifier.

Coulter feels a combination of nerves and the weight of expectation is affecting the middleweight and is looking to see the ‘old Savannah’ come out of the blocks in Almaty this Thursday.

“We did a couple of training sessions before she went and had a few chats,” said the Headland ABC coach.

“I think she has gone with a different mindset.

“When we trained, she was brilliant.

“I took her on the pads and I swear it’s the hardest she’s hit and when she went on the speedball, it’s the fastest I’ve seen her.

“Her footwork was excellent, she was in top form.

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“Savannah is the most experienced she’s ever been - I think of her 80-odd bouts, 70-something have been internationals.

“The only thing that can hold her back is her mentallity, we have spoken about it and she says she’s ready to embrace and enjoy the tournament.

“She lost on the first bout to a girl, no disrespect, who should not be beating her.

“Savannah is in the right frame of mind, she will be giving it absolutely everything.”

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Marshall must reach the last four in the U75 kilo division to reach her second Olympic Games.

The Commonwealth Games gold medallist has arrived in Almaty with some pedigree in the World Championships.

She reached the U69 kilo final on her debut in 2010 and went one better two years later when she struck gold at U75 kilos in China on her 21st birthday.

Marshall is one of only two British boxers in history - male or female - to win a world amateur title and must now take at least a bronze medal this time to make Rio.