'Would have given him a shot': Fans react as Middlesbrough make seven changes for Bournemouth clash

Riverside Stadium.Riverside Stadium.
Riverside Stadium.
Middlesbrough have made seven changes from Tuesday’s Carabao Cup match against Barnsley for today’s game against Bournemouth at the Riverside.

The Teessiders will start with the same side which played against Watford in their first Championship match last week after giving several youngsters a chance in midweek.

Most supporters were happy with the starting XI chosen to face the Cherries, yet some were surprised new signing Sam Morsy will start on the bench after making his debut on Tuesday.

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The EFL have also allowed 1,000 fans to attend the match as part of a pilot plan which will be in operation at nine games this weekend.

Boro’s starting XI for the game is as follows: Bettinelli, Spence, Dijksteel, Hall, McNair, Johnson, Howson, Saville, Tavernier, Fletcher, Assombalonga.

Substitutes: Pears, Bola, Fry, Morsy, Wing, Coulson, Browne.

Here’s how some supporters reacted to the team news on social media:

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@MichaelConnor88: Saville has done well getting another start

@Matt_Rowney: Come on lads. Welcome the fans back with a good performance!

@Smithy_MFC84: Entirely what I expected. It’s clear Warnock doesn’t particularly trust those on the bench, with the exception of Fry who’s perhaps a little behind in fitness.

@Jordanwalker280: Nervous as for today. Don’t get shown up boro

@tom_mcgarry17: Not a lot wrong with that, come on Boro !

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@UTFB97: Would have given Morsy a shot over Saville tbh but not a bad team

@MFCJackk: Good to see Hall back

@ChippehT: Fry for McNair, Coulson for Johnson, Morsy for Saville, Wing for Fletcher

@xterrence984: No morsy

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